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Impact and Outcome Studies
Education Employment Well-being Qualitative or implementation studies Cost studies
Basic skills gains  Engagement in secondary education High school completion (diploma or equivalent)  Postsecondary enrollment  Postsecondary persistence  Postsecondary degree attainment  Attainment of occupational skills/certificates  Attainment of employability/work readiness skills  Employment placement/attainment  Employment retention  or advancement Earnings  Job quality Health Social-emotional Housing status and stability Parenting Civic engagement Financial capability Connection to school/work Use of public benefits Justice system involvement
Secondary Education
Preparation or instruction for high school diploma
Preparation or instruction for high school equivalency
High school reengagement
Dual enrollment in high school and college programs
Basic education services
Postsecondary Education
Pre-enrollment supports for transition to postsecondary
Postsecondary education advising and coaching after enrollment
Academic supports for postsecondary success
Occupational skills training, sectoral training, and industry-recognized credential training
Supports to pay for postsecondary education
Job and Career Education and Training
Career exploration and career counseling
Work readiness training
Entrepreneurial skills training
Pre-apprenticeships, apprenticeships, on-the-job training for a particular industry
Temporary and transitional work experiences
Employment Placement and Supports
Job placement
Supports to maintain employment
Supports for employers
Support Services
Mental and behavioral health supports
Supports for basic needs
Parenting, pregnancy and child care supports
Post-program supports
Life skills and financial literacy
Stipends and incentives
Family engagement
Cohort model
Connections to a caring adult  
Other Implementation Practices
Integrated education and training model
Career pathways model
Career and technical education
Collective impact approaches
Two-generation models
Racial equity, diversity and inclusion approaches
Use of technology to deliver services or promote engagement