Back on Track - Opportunity Works
- High school completion (diploma or equivalent)
- Postsecondary enrollment
- Postsecondary persistence
- Financial capability
- Connection to school/work
- Justice system involvement
Secondary Education
- Preparation or instruction for high school diploma
- Preparation or instruction for high school equivalency
- High school reengagement
- Dual enrollment in high school and college programs
Postsecondary Education
- Pre-enrollment supports for transition to postsecondary
- Postsecondary education advising and coaching after enrollment
- Academic supports for postsecondary success
- Occupational skills training, sectoral training, and industry-recognized credential training
- Supports to pay for postsecondary education
Job and Career Education and Training
- Career exploration and career counseling
- Work readiness training
- Pre-apprenticeships, apprenticeships, on-the-job training for a particular industry
- Temporary and transitional work experiences
Employment Placement and Supports
- Job placement
Support Services
- Mental and behavioral health supports
- Supports for basic needs
- Parenting, pregnancy and child care supports
- Post-program supports
- Life skills and financial literacy
- Legal services
Youth Development and Engagement Approaches
- Stipends and incentives
- Connections to a caring adult
Other Implementation Practices
- Collective impact approaches
- Use of technology to deliver services or promote engagement